
Advice for Your Home

Getting to Know the Professionals: Laura Kaye, Simply Spaces

September 9, 2020

Simply Spaces, located in Toronto, is a professional home organizing and decorating service. Home organization and de-cluttering has gotten a lot of attention lately and there is good reason why. From easier access to your kitchen supplies to a clearer mind, there is a whole host of benefits that come with working with a professional organizer. We sat down with Laura from Simply Spaces to discuss her business and get a sneak peak into the life of a professional organizer.


PRC: Tell us about yourself and what you do.

LK: My name is Laura and I am a professional organizer! After 10+ years as a buyer at a major Canadian retailer, I finally took the entrepreneurial leap and founded Simply Spaces, a luxury home organizing company.

Pants hung on matching white clothes hangers

PRC:  How did you get into home organization?

LK: My passion for, and love of, organizing has been around from the start.I was the kid who rearranged my room regularly and my bed was always made. Most recently, my need for order and organization has amplified with two minis running around the house tearing apart everything they touch! Creating order within the home allows me to stay calm in the chaos and feel equipped to balance a busy household.


PRC:  What is a typical project look like for you?

LK: Every project is SO different, but each one begins with a consultation in the client’s space to discuss goals & objectives.  Once a customized plan of attack is established, so begins the enormous preparation effort. This typically starts off with LOTS and LOTS of amazon shopping and sourcing trips! Prep work is the key to a successful project.  

While on site, it is usually a bit of a marathon, sometimes a sprint. Every project throws different curve balls and we adapt as we go. My team is incredible!

In a nutshell, this is what it looks like: we start fresh and remove everything from the space that we are organizing. We sort & categorize every single item. Like actually, every single item!! This is a crucial step –it allows us to see what we are working with! We edit anything out that our client’s no longer use/need. Finally, we implement an organizational system that not only functions well but looks awesome at the same time.

Our favorite part is always the “reveal”. We love seeing the reaction on our client’s faces when they see their space transformed. That is really what it is all about!

Organized drawer of sweaters

PRC: What is your favourite easy organization tip that anyone (even the disorganized!) can implement?

LK: CONTAINMENT. I cannot say this word enough. When things are contained,they have a “home”. They belong in a specific area. This allows you to maintain order because you know where things belong, where their home is. For example:if you have one dedicated shelf/bin for “snacks”, you always know where to find them. When you go grocery shopping and buy more crackers, you know exactly whereto put them away. Containment is KEY.

PRC: I’m sure you’ve seen some pretty disorganized spaces.What is the “scariest” space you’ve had to work on?

LK: The more disorganized, the less scary for us. We thrive in the chaos because we see opportunity! As for a specific example, my lips are sealed 😊 The confidential nature of the work we do also involves having a short memory!

Organized pantry items

PRC:  What is your favourite neighborhood in Toronto and why?

LK: I am a bit of an explorer. I love going for walks and looking at houses!My Mom and I love to walk through new neighborhoods and talk about the homes.We always chat about what we like and dislike, what we would change and so on.Toronto has so many amazing neighborhoods, it is hard to choose. I recently did a walk through the old parts of Cabbagetown and some of the heritage homes are incredible!


Lightning round!

  • PRC: Vanilla or Chocolate?
    LK: Always vanilla, but really these days it’s whatever the kids don’t eat!
  • PRC: Winter or Summer?
    LK: Winter.I’m a skier, easy question!
  • PRC: Heels or flats?
    LK: I wish I loved my heels as much as I used to, but being on my feet so much for work, I have to say flats!
  • PRC: Hanging or Folding?
    LK: If you haven’t seen a file fold, google it now. Folding all the way!
  • PRC: Label Maker or Handwritten?
    LK: When it comes to work, label maker hands down. Clean and simple. Outside of that, nothing beats a handwritten note!
Well organized bathroom cupboard

- For more information on Laura and her team at Simply Spaces, visit their website or on instagram @SimplySpaces.